Julie Shields » Selzer Media Center: Ms. Shields

Selzer Media Center: Ms. Shields

Every week, either with myself or Mrs. Abbadessa, your student will be able to check out a new book to bring home.
(There is no book check out during Technology Week.)
Your student makes a promise with Mrs. Abbadessa (district librarian) and myself that they will take care of our books and bring them back each week clean and undamaged like before.
We understand mistakes happen! If your student damages their book, a notice can be given out with instructions on how to pay for the damaged book.
  1. Noise Level:
    1. RED: no talking unless given instructions to do so
    2. YELLOW: whispering is allowed, quietly to your table mates.
    3. GREEN: inside voices allowed.
    4. Absolutely no yelling or screaming is tolerated when inside the Media Center.
  2. No Running
  3. Treat books with respect
  4. Treat shelves with respect and cleanliness 
  5. Follow directions and ask questions
During Media, your student will be given the option to participate in our Makerspace Wall activities.
These could include:
- Legos/ Lego Wall
- Magnatiles
- Marble Run
- and many more...
This a time when the students participate in an activity about the story we read or another activity. 
Each student is responsible for what they chose to play with, and cleaning up of that activity. 
If your middle school student is having issues with their Chromebook, bring it down to the media center! A tech ticket will be sent to our technology department and the issue will be handled. If needed a Chromebook loaner will be given out until the students original is fixed. 
Julie Shields
Media Center Aide
(201) 387-3030